Sunday, November 11, 2012

Night Life All Night Long - Under 21 Too!

This is why the Spaniards still take an afternoon siesta! 
Leaving for a club at 1:30 a.m. and coming home at 5:00 is simply the norm, for all ages. Everything is shifted so late because of Spain's meal times,. With a huge lunch in the late afternoon and a light dinner at 10 or 11, nobody is ready to go out until around midnight. Click on the link below to compare: What is a bodega vs. a cerverceria? What kind of music is played at the disocobares in Madrid?  Don't forget to say goodbye to America's drinking age of 21. But with this increased freedom comes increased control.  Spanish partiers know how to pace themselves so that they can stay awake until the Madrid metro system starts running at 6:00 am. Post your favorite aspects after you've read the following:


  1. I really like the idea of a siesta! I love naps anyways, so i'm sure i'd love the siesta just as much!

    The night life seems pricey, but so lively!! I would love to experience it, especially the music!

    My favorite aspect of this is in the Madrid Nightlife, getting chocolate at the Chocolatera Sane Gines! Cure a hangover AND eat what I love... count me in!(Plus I’m sure I would have burned off all of the calories dancing anyways!)

  2. I was surprised that the people living in Madrid and Barcelona are accustomed to eating dinner at 10:30 because it seems so late! I also can't believe that the clubs stay open until dawn but I guess if they are eating so late then they have the energy needed to do that. I wonder if the clubs don't open until midnight because people are accustomed to going out so late, or if people are accustomed to going out so late because the clubs don't open until then.

    I can't believe the nightclubs charge so much for a beer! I thought it was getting outrageous around here, but I guess I'm the lucky one!
