Sunday, November 11, 2012


But what if there are no malls?  

Here's a picture of a large shopping mall in Barcelona. It overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. Since the weather is always great, there is no need for outdoor walls. However, big malls like this are not common. Click below to see where the typical Spanish teenager goes shopping. In this country, separate street side stores are much more common. See if you can tell which store sells what.

Click here to see the many types of stores in Spanish cities and play the matching game

So do you prefer the American Malls or Shopping in Door to Door on the city streets of Spain? Post why you have a preference.


  1. I think overall I'd prefer American Malls. It just seems much more convenient; everything is closer to each other and easier to find within the Mall, rather than roaming the streets looking for a store.

  2. I prefer American malls because I like being able to go to one place and getting everything done at once but I would like to try shopping door-to-door in the city streets of Spain because it looks like it could be a fun experience.
